Nom du produit:cis-1-(tert-Butoxycarbonyl)-3-fluoropiperidine-4-carboxylic acid

IUPAC Name:(3R,4S)-1-[(tert-butoxy)carbonyl]-3-fluoropiperidine-4-carboxylic acid

Formule moléculaire:C11H18FNO4
Numéro de catalogue:CM350862
Poids moléculaire:247.27

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CM350862-1g in stock Ťľƿ

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Détails du produit

N° CAS:1628475-90-0
Formule moléculaire:C11H18FNO4
Point de fusion:-
Code SMILES:O=C([C@H]1[C@@H](F)CN(C(OC(C)(C)C)=O)CC1)O
Numéro de catalogue:CM350862
Poids moléculaire:247.27
Point d'ébullition:
N° Mdl:MFCD28016232
Stockage:Keep in a tight container and store at abient temperature

Category Infos

Piperidine is an azacycloalkane that is cyclohexane in which one of the carbons is replaced by a nitrogen. Although piperidine is a common organic compound, it is an immensely important class of compounds medicinally: the piperidine ring is the most common heterocyclic subunit among FDA approved drugs.
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