Nom du produit:N-(3-Nitrophenyl)-2-oxooxazolidine-3-sulfonamide

IUPAC Name:N-(3-nitrophenyl)-2-oxo-1,3-oxazolidine-3-sulfonamide

Formule moléculaire:C9H9N3O6S
Numéro de catalogue:CM1072642
Poids moléculaire:287.25

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Détails du produit

N° CAS:116943-61-4
Formule moléculaire:C9H9N3O6S
Point de fusion:-
Code SMILES:O=S(N1C(OCC1)=O)(NC2=CC=CC([N+]([O-])=O)=C2)=O
Numéro de catalogue:CM1072642
Poids moléculaire:287.25
Point d'ébullition:
N° Mdl:

Category Infos

Oxazolidines are five-membered ring compounds consisting of three carbons, nitrogen and oxygen. Oxygen and nitrogen are in the 1 and 3 positions, respectively. Oxazolidine is in general yellow or slightly yellow, alkaline liquid or solid, easily hydrolyzed by water or alcohol. It is insoluble in water (or hydrolyzed); soluble in benzene and chloroform. Oxazolidine derivatives are five-membered cyclic compounds containing at least one oxygen and nitrogen in their molecular structure. Oxazolidine derivatives are known to possess various therapeutic activities, such as anticancer and antibiotic properties.

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