Nom du produit:cis-3-(tert-butoxycarbonylamino)cyclobutanecarboxylic acid

IUPAC Name:(1s,3s)-3-{[(tert-butoxy)carbonyl]amino}cyclobutane-1-carboxylic acid

Formule moléculaire:C10H17NO4
Numéro de catalogue:CM104165
Poids moléculaire:215.25

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Détails du produit

N° CAS:1008773-79-2
Formule moléculaire:C10H17NO4
Point de fusion:-
Code SMILES:CC(C)(C)OC(=O)N[C@H]1C[C@H](C1)C(O)=O
Numéro de catalogue:CM104165
Poids moléculaire:215.25
Point d'ébullition:
N° Mdl:MFCD06657680

Category Infos

The molecular structure of cyclobutane has four carbon atoms, and its four carbon atoms are not in the same plane, which is the folded conformation of cyclobutane. Cyclobutane itself is not of commercial or biological interest, but more complex derivatives are important in biology and biotechnology. Currently, nine FDA-approved drugs contain the cyclobutane structure. From the perspective of therapeutic areas, cyclobutyl drugs are mainly distributed in popular areas such as tumors, neurological diseases, infectious diseases, endocrine and metabolic diseases.

Column Infos

Amino Acids and Peptides
Amino acids are organic compounds containing a basic amino group and an acidic carboxyl group. Because amino acids contain both amino and carboxyl groups, they can be polymerized in an end-to-end manner, removing a molecule of water to form a covalent amide bond or peptide bond. Many amino acids are linked together end to end to form a polypeptide. Amino acids and peptides are important components in the fields of medicine and life sciences.

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