Nom du produit:2-(1-naphthyloxy)propanoic acid

IUPAC Name:2-(naphthalen-1-yloxy)propanoic acid

Formule moléculaire:C13H12O3
Numéro de catalogue:CM113050
Poids moléculaire:216.24

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CM113050-100mg in stock ưũ
CM113050-250mg in stock ȡũȡ
CM113050-1g in stock ŵưȡ

Pour une utilisation en R&D uniquement..

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Détails du produit

N° CAS:13949-67-2
Formule moléculaire:C13H12O3
Point de fusion:-
Numéro de catalogue:CM113050
Poids moléculaire:216.24
Point d'ébullition:389.7°C at 760 mmHg
N° Mdl:MFCD00021470
Stockage:Store at 2-8°C.

Category Infos

Naphthalene is a hydrocarbon produced by the distillation of coal tar and is an aromatic white crystalline substance. Naphthalene is the most abundant component in coal tar. It is used as an insect repellant and insect fumigant. The compound is used in the manufacture of celluloid, dyes, hydrogenated naphthalenes, oil fumes, smokeless powders and synthetic resins.

Column Infos

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